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Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Measure of Meaning: Love

In the Greek New Testament, there are many definitions of the word “love”. There is “eros” which is romantic love, and “philia” which is about friendship. Then there is “agape” which the Bible uses to describe the self-sacrificing type of love which goes beyond the “feeling” of love. The love God shows for us is there regardless of what we do. We can’t earn His love or make Him quit loving us. As a response to God’s love, the Church is called to show agape love for others. We are to faithfully love one another, whether or not we “feel” love at a given moment. A journey of faith includes learning how to “agape” those we may view as unlovable, just like Christ loves us in our own moments of spiritual struggles.

Have your actions over the past week shown the compassion, care and forgivenss that pour out of a truly loving heart? Make this week a time of fine tuning your understanding of what it means to "love one another" (John 13:34), so that you will become a sweet, sweet sound in His ear.

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