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Monday, February 23, 2009

Bowling for Jesus

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
(1 Cor 10:31)

Does that include bowling? In my best southern drawl, it would more accurately be called, “Boh-lin’ Fer Jeee-sus.” The immediate (and cheesy) questions that people have asked and joked about are, “Is Jesus the prize that I’m bowling for?” or “Is he in the lane next to me?” Should we recoil in horror at those thoughts or use them to talk about how Jesus is God's gift of grace and His Spirit is always near.

There is and has been an ongoing discussion regarding the propriety of the role of the church in the community. Do you use worldly things and re-create your faith according to the world, or do you take your faith and force it upon the world, or is there some way to act in between those far ends. Can you only glorify God by worship or prayer? Will pew-warming suffice? Can you glorify God by being serious... by being humorous… by watching a movie …by bowling?

If we are to do all things for the glory of God, then why not bowling? My church has a bowling league that meets on Sunday afternoons for fellowship. It’s not that bowling is a holy event (I could go for the obvious puns about a holy ball, but I won’t go there), but that people who seek to be holy and follow our Holy Lord gather together. In that place, we begin with prayer, always a good place to start. It is an opportunity to invite friends, who aren’t necessarily Christian or have a church home, to come and enjoy each other’s company. We talk about our lives and what has been going on. We learn to support and encourage each other, through good scores and bad. We learn to care more about each other. Dare I say it… we learn to love one another more? Doesn’t that glorify God?

So whatever you do, be it singing, giving, laughing, running, or even bowling, do it all for the glory of God.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Australian Fires

Australia has always been a special place in my heart. When I was a young girl my grandparents lived in Perth, Australia and “the land down under” was a magical and mystical place of wonder. For as long as I can remember I’ve loved the stories of the history and the people there, and have had it on my list of places I’d love to visit one day. Since the fall of 2008 and a number of inter-related events, God has placed that nation and her people on my heart in a new way. Aussies have been on my heart and in my prayers constantly. So I was heartbroken over the tragic news that came over the weekend.

Beginning around February 6th, there was a horrific outbreak of deliberately set wildfires that, at this moment, has more than 46 separate outbreaks, has left a wake of 750 destroyed homes and 330,000 people burned out of their communities. The current death toll stands at 181 people, and may grow to over 200 people. This is the worst disaster in Australia since the 1983 Ash Wednesday fire which killed 75 people.

Some people described the fast moving wall of flames as a fiery tsunami moving at freight train speeds. Some people simply compared it to being in hell. As one reporter described it as “hell on earth” the video showed a lone house with an orange filled backdrop of encroaching fire, which had been blue sky only 24 hours before. What terror they must have already faced and continue to face moment by moment.

I ask you to join me in prayer, to lift up the people of the state of Victoria and all the affected communities there, that they may experience God’s saving hand and witness His acts of mercy and grace. For some, it is too easy to blame God for the terrible things that happen, but I pray that God will move in such a profound way that people will go to Him, will return to Him, and will lean on Him for strength and comfort. I pray that the church there will remember God’s love for them and all people, and will share His love and compassion with every soul they meet. Pray that God will make it clear to people across the planet in how we can reach out, not only in prayer, but in other tangible ways that will support the survivors and help them rebuild their communities and their lives.

Lord have mercy.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Psalm 49, Part 2

Last week's post regarding Psalm 49, was written as a type of song. If you notice there are “verses” and “interludes”, just like in songs you would hear today. Even back then people were singing about their troubles and about how they would get past those troubles. I was reminded about the song, Bridge Over Troubled Water by Paul Simon. The lyrics plainly face the fact that there are troubles in our lives. It doesn’t say “IF you’re ever weary” but “WHEN you’re weary.” But you don’t have to travel that road along. Imagine the words coming from Jesus: “Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down.”

And that’s exactly what He did. He laid down his life for us and rose from the grave so that we could experience true joy, hope and love, on this side of life as we know it and beyond. The fact is that we all experience tragedy, anger, and hopelessness, but we don’t have to remain there. Jesus Christ is our hope and through him we find unending peace and love. So, sing and be glad. There is much to sing about.

Bridge Over Troubled Water by Paul Simon

When you’re weary, feeling small, when tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all;
I’m on your side when times get rough and friends just can’t be found,
Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down.
Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down.

When you’re down and out, when you’re on the street, when evening falls so hard I will comfort you. I’ll take your part when darkness comes and pains is all around,
Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down.
Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down.

Sail on silvergirl. Sail on by. Your time has come to shine. All your dreams are on their way. See how they shine. If you need a friend I’m sailing right behind.
Like a bridge over troubled water, I will ease your mind.
Like a bridge over troubled water, I will ease your mind.