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Monday, November 12, 2007

All About Me...?

Earlier this month (11/4: “Humble Pie”) I wrote about being humble, and this video was on my mind. When I first saw it, I laughed because my immediate thought was how ridiculous it is to sing our own praises. This video is a take off of those late night commercials for CD’s, but this one zeros in on how we Christians sometimes think that worship is about us. In addition, we can get caught up in thinking that the building, the music, the activities, and even the budget is for us and about us.

So really, this “commercial” is a commercial for getting refocused on God and His will for our lives. When you find yourself thinking that maybe you’ll sleep late on Sunday because maybe you aren’t serving in worship that day, remember that we are to worship the Lord with gladness (Ps 100:2), and not by dragging our heels all the way to the back pew. When you find that the heat or the cold- the organ or the drums- the expectation of ministry or tithing, is the one of the things (or several things) that keeps you from fully participating in worship or in the life of the church, I pray you will consider reassessing your understanding of those things.

We come in to worship God. We come to hear His gospel message for us. We come to show care and compassion for each other, because God first loved us. We go back out into the world to share His gospel message, His compassion, and His love with others. It is not always the easy or the comfortable thing, and that’s okay, because it’s not all about us. It’s about serving the Mighty God who created us, and the music, and the organ, and the gold, and all things which are to be used for His glory. I hope you find time this week to get centered on Christ and sing His praises.

1 comment:

Domino said...

My church played this video during the service to make a point. Point made.

I read another blog that is generally the same subject. Go to: