It reminds me of an old Simpson's episode where the rebellious son, Bart, was asked the ancient rhetorical question, "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" He thought, and then folded his fingers over his palm and began opening and closing his hand, making only a weak clapping sound. Try as we may, we are made to function in concert with others. "Going it alone" is a strong American attitude of self-reliance, but when we discount others or shut them out of our daily lives, we miss out on the added talents, strengths, and opportunities for success that they bring with them. I admit that I looked goofy that day, marching in that yard, but in the years to come I became part of a cohesive group, marching and playing in sync, and winning awards.
The Apostle Paul reminds us that Christians are not suppossed to "go it alone," but are to function as a cohesive group- the Body of Christ(1 Cor 12:26-28). We can not be just one hand trying to clap, or a single musician marching to their own beat. We are called to be the church, playing in tune with one another and following our leader Christ Jesus. Take time this week to look around at your church. Are you part of the ministry there? Have you found ways to add to the harmony of your church as they seek to serve the living Christ?
Aren't you glad you didn't play the One Man Band instrument Dick Van Dyke played in Mary Poppins?
That would've been an interesting addition to a marching band!
I was really proud of that new band student, and still am. She still makes music that I love to hear.
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