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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Perfect Parenting (or rather) Avoiding the Mistakes of Parenthood

(The following is a continuation of my views on "10 Big Mistakes Parents Make".)

2) Inadequate discipline: Have you heard the quote, “Spoil the rod and spare the child”? For ten points, where does that quote come from? If you said the Bible, you are incorrect, as that saying is only a reference to Proverbs 13:24 which says, “He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.” (Also read Pr. 13:1,18 and 20). I don’t believe verse 24 is a call to beat your child, and I don’t even think it is saying that spanking is or isn’t a good idea. The focus is the necessity of discipline, not a singular method of punishment. When I look back at my childhood and youth, I don’t think about the punishments I justly received, but I do appreciate the fact that they tried to teach me right and avoid wrong, for my own benefit.

Take a moment to consider your relationship with your Father in heaven, with you as His child, and then your relationship (as a parent) with your own beloved children. (Watch for the rest of this list to be updated daily.

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