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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Joyful New Year!

Actually, I guess the titled sentiment comes a bit late, as today is already the 6th day of the new year, but it is my wish for you all the same. Last year was a good one for me overall. Like everyone I had some great times of happiness and some great struggles to overcome. Even in the struggles though, I found joy in the journey. Sounds so Pollyanna I know, like I’m happy and skipping all the time, but in fact, I’ve had such a peace in both the ups and downs and have experienced the joy of knowing that God is continually with me.

Last fall, I began experiencing s new tug on my heart concerning those who do not know Christ. Being a pastor who spends a lot of time with my congregation, I don’t know very many people who don’t claim to know Jesus. I’ve been praying for growing opportunities and for God to guide me to all the knowledge and experience I need to understand this new tugging and the words that he has been speaking to my heart. He has given me direction to pray with renewed vigor for specific situations and people, things that have seemingly been outside my usual day to day focus on my congregation and community (but have everything to do with us learning about reaching out to the people around us) and things that seemed odd at first. But as time has gone by, God has made his direction loud and clear and I am eager to step up in this journey of faith.

In one particular prayer focus, God continues to reassure me of the fact that He has absolutely called me to pray for salvation for specific people. Everyday for quite some time, there is a word or experience that bursts upon my ears or my eyes and pours over me, filling me with awe and a desire to stop and pray for the situation or person that God has laid on my heart. I do pray everyday for many things, my family, my church, and the intercessions that come across our church website, but these specific prayers and tuggings were not from any of these regular places/people. God has laid these on my heart in the mysterious way that only He can. Venturing out into new territory is an exciting adventure of faith, and when God invites you out to someplace new or different, He has a plan in place for you beyond what you can imagine.

I pray that in the new year you will ask God to renew you and help you remember the joy of your salvation. I pray that you will ask God to give you direction and the boldness to step out in faith, even when you are unsure of what the journey entails. He will provide all that you need, exactly when you need it, and in your obedience you will know joy, and yes, even ecstatic happiness along the way.


This week I will be in Nashville, TN at an evangelism conference. Keep me in your prayers, and I’ll keep you updated.

Peace and Joy!

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