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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Congress on Evangelism 2009

Yesterday I flew into Nashville (and boy are my arms tired… there, I said it before you punsters could think it) and arrived at this conference that I’ve been looking forward to attending. Because the only flight I could get was late in the day, I arrived in Nashville in the evening and missed most of the events of that evening. I did catch the end of worship (it’s been a LONG time since I’ve walked into a worship service late like that), but did hear the preacher remind us all that we all have a calling to go out and share God’s Good News. Not just that it’s a nice thing or a good idea, but that is the task for the church, the hands and feet of Christ who call Him Savior and live their lives believing and acting out that faith in service.

Following that, I left the huge room where we had met and walked down the hall past a myriad of tables promoting/selling all kinds of things, and I walked through the crowd of people focused on what I needed to get done back at the hotel room. In the midst of busy thoughts and being a little tired from the day, I walked past a particular table and walked a bit farther trying to ignore that I had seen that table. Then I hit a wall, not of brick, but of God’s presence and had to turn back toward that table. The reason I ignored it was only because I needed a moment to deal with an overwhelming sense of awe and time to wipe away a tear (a happy one) and control the giggle rising up in me.

One of the specific situations that God has been dealing with in me was concerning praying for the salvation of a specific group of people. On that table there was a sign that reassured me yet again that God had called me into His plan of prayer and action for these people. Had it been a neon sign saying, “Here are those people you are praying for” it could not have been any louder of God’s words upon my heart. The specifics laid out there for my eyes to witness and the conversation with the man at the booth just bowled me over. I felt God’s arms around me and heard his laughter and joyful assurance to continue trusting Him and his perfect ways beyond my understanding.

Be careful to ask God to move in you, to give you new direction, to open your eyes, or to renew you by His strength and power. God hears our prayers. I know we say that all the time and can grow lackadaisical about believing in the power of prayer and the faithful response God always gives, but God truly hears and answers us. Has your prayer life seemed small, tedious, or sporadic lately? I pray that you will just ask… just truly ask God to awaken you to His glorious presence. Ask, and you shall receive.

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