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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Illustrating Priorities

During Lent my church is holding a Lenten Bible studies series called “Dinner and a Movie: Don’t Forget Your Change.” It focuses on the changes that come in our lives- changes that come via circumstances (both good and bad) and the changes that come when one allows the transforming power of God to re-create his people.

Our first study was about our changing priorities and based on “Cast Away.” Chuck, the Fed-Ex employee, allows “time” to run his life and misses out on important moments in life. His view of “time” changes once he is marooned on a desert island, shifting his priorities from allowing “time” to be his master, to mere survival and the hope of returning home.

As a part of rethinking our priorities, I did a short demonstration in the study, using a glass vase, sea shells and salt. The vase represented our lives, the shells were the vitally important things, and the salt was the peripheral things (both necessary and fun) that fill up our days. I began by pouring a container of salt into the jar, noting my “peripherals.” “I like to play with my nieces and nephews. I like to golf. I like to learn new things about technology. I have to wash the dishes.” and so on. The salt filled the jar about three quarters of the way. Then I began filling the jar/my life with the “important” things, and stuffing each one in as far as I could. “I need to study the Bible. I need to visit people in the hospital. I need to spend time with my family. I need to watch my health” and so on. However, by the sixth shell (6 of 15), I could fit no more in. The “prayer” shell hadn’t even made it in yet. The jar/my life obviously had no room for the things I said that were vital. Time to rethink my priorities… The illustration had their attention.

“Ahhh” I said. “If this is my life, I need to recognize that my priorities are all messed up. I need to rethink how I live day to day” as I poured out the salt and removed the few shells. With the glass vase empty, I reordered the process, putting in all the “vital” things first, and then pouring the “peripheral” things in after. In practice, I knew that all the shells and all the salt would fit now, showing that when you put God first, everything else would come together (“Seek ye first the kingdom of God…” Mat 6:33). I held up the vase and everyone could see the perfect illustration which is supposed to leave you with the thought that perhaps each of us needs to reflect on our priorities and ask God to direct us and transform us.

Yes… a perfect illustration, a perfect moment to reflect, however life is not perfect… (Wanna know the rest of the story? Watch for part 2 of this in tomorrow’s “Cracked Lives”)

During this Lenten season I encourage you sit in God’s presence, in worship, prayer, and study, and allow him to show you the changes that will transform you and bring you closer to Him.

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