That is pretty kooky, to think you see God in things or situations that don’t have a lot of awe themselves. These “kooks” are not new on the planet. They’ve been here throughout the ages:
Moses thought he saw God in a pillar of fire and a pillar of clouds (Ex 13:21).
Elijah thought he heard God in a still small voice. (1 Kings 19:11-13).
Paul thought he saw and heard Christ in a blinding light (Acts 9:3-6).
Simeon thought he saw God in a baby (Luke 2:25-32).
Fire, clouds, voices, light, babies- all things that we see everyday. They can be created by mankind. They can be great and important or small and fragile. They can be treated with care or given little notice. As inspiring as these things can ever possibly be, they are not God and not to be worshipped. However, God can reveal Himself in them, and give us one more point of contact with Him. God can invite us into relationship with Him in anyway He so chooses, even using a Cheeto.
I love being at the beach. I enjoy walking along the sand taking in God’s presence. I see the ocean heave and roll into the shore, becoming low and bowing before the One who separated the waters from the land. I hear the waves make thunderous applause, congratulating the Creator for his mighty works. I hear the laughter of the seagulls, rejoicing at their privilege of flight. I feel the warmth of the sun and the cool brisk breeze mingling together, reminding me of the fire of the Holy Spirit and the breath of God that gives me daily guidance. Call me a kook, but I see God in all of that- in the sand, the seashells, the water, and the sky. I soak up His presence as I walk, silently singing His praise and listening for His voice. And in all of that… I know He sees me.
I pray that during this Easter season, you will have your eyes opened to seeing God. I hope you see Him in the creation around you. I hope you will see Him in the people around you and that you will love your neighbor as God has loved you.
Valerie I love your pictures and your blog. God is number one in my life also. He is so faithful to us and we must return the same and be faithful to him. Lets keep in touch.
great blog. I found cheesus a few years ago. it was nice to see that you read about it. it has done what I wanted. people thinking about God. God is ever present in our world if we open up our eyes and heart.
thanks for sharing.
Moses was different. The Cheeto Jesus is an example of people longing for a "sign" to fill th eemptiness in thier lives or maybe shore up faltering beliefs. This is exactly why God discouraged idol worship and why drawings or pictures depicting Muhammad are prohibited.
I would tell the minister who found Cheesus (as I was crushing Cheesus between my fingers) that the one true God is found within, in your heart, mind, soul and spirit. Not in a bag of greasy corn puffs. I've written about it here.
Happy Easter!
Dave, I will agree with you that when someone reveres an item instead of God they have missed the mark. A Cheeto, a statue, and even a loved one are created things and beings, unworthy of being worshipped. Yes, too often mankind worships idols instead of God. However, I believe that God gives us a multitude of ways to remember Him and meditate upon His glory. If a cheesy snack becomes a tool and opportunity for conversation about the living Christ and how to become a follower of the King of kings (and no, not a worshipper of "Cheesus") then I think it is a wonderful thing. Thank you for your comment.
Thanks for sharing about God making himself known.
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