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Friday, November 21, 2008

Going To The Beach

Ah, Friday, my day off, and a morning on which the alarm clock also takes a day of rest. As the new day dawns I can hear the traffic on yonder freeway as people head out to the office. But not me. Not today.

One of my favorite places to be is at the beach, where the sound of waves and wind restores my soul. So on days like today, with a little imagination, the smooth and steady sound of the traffic morphs into the calming swoosh of waves rolling into the shore. With eyes closed, I can be transported to an early morning beach where the sun has just fully peeked over the horizon and the waves have wiped the sand clear of all footprints, creating a clean canvas for new paths and adventures. For some folks, a mountaintop is…well... uhm, their mountaintop experience. For me, it’s the beach. And so on these quiet mornings, transported to that peaceful scene, I walk along the shore and visit with my Lord.

In Luke 6:12 we are told how Jesus would go up alone to a mountain to pray. We all need that time, time alone in the quiet peaceful presence of the Lord. A time to be still and know that He is God (Ps 46:10). We make time for all the busy-ness of our calendars, so why not make and keep an appointment on the mountain (or seashore, or East Texas woods) with Christ? A time to pour your heart out to Him; a time to sit together in quiet as you just breathe and take in the scenery; a time to patiently wait to hear what He has to say to you. Those moments were necessary for Jesus as He walked the earth, so how can they be any less important for us today?

Make time for that, because before you know it the real world will creep back…(Oops. Be right back. The phone’s ringing….) Now where was I? Oh yes,… that time is important because at some point you have to get back to doing all the …(Excuse me, someone’s at the door). Okay, I’m back…uhm, oh yes, … you have to get back to doing all those things that you need to do. So before the busy-ness of your day or your week begins, try spending time with Christ on your mountain of choice.

“I have so much to do that I spend several hours in prayer before I am able to do it.” -John Wesley

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