Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Angels, Part 2
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Angels, Part 1
Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds received such a message, a message that was so powerful that they couldn’t help but act upon it. In Acts 10 there is a story about Peter and Cornelius, both of whom were given messages by God, one while praying and the other by an angel. God got their attention with His message and both men acted upon it. These are only a few examples of how God chooses to use His heavenly messengers and deliver His good news. But just because these stories are written in an ancient text, doesn’t mean that God is finished delivering His good news. God still speaks. He still sends messages of hope. He still finds new and surprising ways to tell people about His great love for them. He still sends Christ’s followers out to spread the good news, and He still reaches out to those who have yet to hear and receive that good news.
(tomorrow, “Angels Part 2)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Tis the season to be…grumbly…NOT!
One day I found myself in a long line, and instead of wondering why the checker couldn’t go a little faster, I noticed the people in the lines around me. There was the hurried mother with two kids in the basket and one hanging on her leg. Her face was full of concern as she checked her watch constantly and tried to watch the checker and the two girls in the basket, find her wallet, and console the now crying leg hugger. I began to look at the faces of those around me and saw a myriad of emotions and stances that made one wonder about their stories. All around me were people; people who were precious to God; people who had their own dire struggles; people who had their own deadlines. And then it struck me that I entered the store, a busy shopper who looked past and through the other busy people around me.
Being stuck in the line then became a blessing and a time that I was forced to stop and look around. There was a new joy for me. Instead of wishing the lady with 3 children would hurry, it was an opportunity to see her face and pray for her as I stood there. It put a new slant on things to stand there, praying for her to have peace and the calmness necessary to help her care for her children.
I hope that you are able to see people from a different perspective this Christmas and will reach out to them with a smile, a kind word or act, and even a prayer.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Facebook. MySpace. Message boards, email, and yes… blogging. These are all modes of communication that have countless numbers of people communicating across our nation and even our world. Words and phrases are thrown around at the speed of light (okay, you science peeps…don’t correct me speed of light and how fast info moves- it’s just an expression) by single units of humans sitting in darkened rooms, communicating with other single units of humans sitting in other darkened rooms. (Well, maybe the rooms aren’t that dark, but you get the picture.)
My ponderment settles around the question of relying ONLY on e-communication (or e-comm) and how that affects the way we interact with others, in the old-school low-tech way. I’m afraid that regarding e-comm as THE way of communicating cheats us out of being a community that has eye to eye and hand to hand contact.
Acts 2:42-47 says: “They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
Sounds like a real live community of faith to me. I just can’t envision how it would have worked in the electronic age. Perhaps the apostles, each sitting in their individual homes, would send out their blog, to which the faithful would respond on their Facebook page and purchase Facebook gifts to give each other. Perhaps they would all gather, on the “I Love Jesus” message board and have “worship” by talking about how great God is and how we should serve Him. Maybe they could buy stuff for the poor through ebay, pay for it with paypal, and send it fedex. Alright, maybe I’ve gone off the deep end a bit, and remember… I do like technology, but I wonder if we sometime allow e-comm to take the place of being the living and breathing community of faith that gathers together to worship together, pray together, serve together, etc. The challenge offered here (myself included) is to make that extra effort to connect or to re-connect to actual human beings, and just sit, face to face, and enjoy some old-fashioned slow-paced visiting.
If you need me, I’ll be out on the porch… rocking…and ready to visit.